Hi, I'm Shimmy

I absolutely love business and creating different opportunities online.

The thrill I got from selling started in High School and continued after. My first major business was a Print on Demand business, I absolutely loved it, the creativity, the selling, the marketing, all of it! It was just so much fun.

I then moved on to various different businesses, like photography, graphic design, dropshipping, and most notably, Amazon FBA. My longest and most enjoyable business has been YouTube, creating videos has been a passion for me and being able to help so many people start their own online businesses is a dream job for me.

Since starting my YouTube channel, I've slowly gotten back into the print on demand world, and although it's a lot harder now, the core concepts of designing and marketing are still there and are still highly enjoyable for me.

I wanted to create a place where you could learn step by step how to create a print on demand businesses without having to empty your bank account!

I've been burnt too many times by fake online courses, and I wanted to try and be different!

I hope you like the classes and please let me know if you'd like me to add anything!

Ways to Reach Find Me

The Podcast

A bit more about me

I talk about how much I like businesses, but I love connecting with people on a more personal level, so I thought, rather than just share all my business interests, I would tell you a little bit about me as a person.

I absolutely love cars, skiing, snowboarding, pretty much all sports, racing, mountain biking! I love adventure and travelling, but surprisingly, I love just sitting n the couch with the guitar, or watching a movie with my wife. Sometimes relaxing can go a long way!

It goes without saying, I've loved photography and videography for as long as I could remember, regardless of business, going on an awesome trip and taking all my camera gear is heaven for me!

I also try and read every day, but that can be hard, and lastly, I love socialising and family time, spending time with my friends and family is a huge thing for me and I don't think I'd trade that for anything!